Meet China’s track ‘goddess’, humble hurdler Xia Sining keeps low profile

In May, she won another championship at the National Athletics Grand Prix and also set a new personal best of 13.08 seconds.

“I just love the track. Every time I reach the finish line and the coach says you’re faster than last time,’ I feel so excited and happy,” Xia told the People’s Daily.

Beyond her athletic achievements, Xia is a social media sensation, attracting more than 3 million followers on Douyin, including many who are drawn to her good looks.

Hurdler Xia Sining is taking success in her stride as she heads for Paris. Photo: Weixin/@环球人物

“Actually, if you take photos of athletes, you’ll find that everyone has a great aura because we are active in sports. After exercising, the temperament becomes particularly vibrant. So I don’t think I’m particularly beautiful. It’s because people yearn for this sunny lifestyle,” Xia said.

Sporting conversion

Originally from Shaoyang, Hunan province, in central China, 21-year-old Xia is the daughter of a former athlete.

Despite her sporty lineage, she initially pursued the arts, learning the piano, violin, erhu and folk dancing as a child.

In her last year at primary school, she signed up for the long jump event in a student athletics competition, which was when it was discovered she had a talent for hurdling.

However, when she told her parents she wanted to switch her focus to athletics, they were initially resistant.

“My family wasn’t very well-off, and my mother had invested a lot in my arts education. More importantly, my father had endured significant hardships while training in track and field, with his legs covered in scars. They did not want me to endure such hardship,” Xia said.

Over time, her persistence and determination ultimately won them over.

“I have a particularly stubborn personality, mostly inherited from my mother. She told me that girls must have their own thoughts, be independent and strong, then they have the right to choose their lives,” she said.

Star sisters

Among the new generation of Chinese women’s 100m hurdlers, stand-out athlete Xia and her peer Wu Yanni are leading the way.

They are even dubbed the “Gemini stars on the Paris Olympics track”.

Recently, a viral video captured Wu and Xia warming up together before a race, in which Xia was seen struggling to hold back her laughter at Wu’s signature warm-up moves.

Practice makes perfect: humble Xia has a following of millions online. Photo: Weixin/@环球人物

This drew comparisons between the two because, while Wu is known for her outgoing personality that often stirs controversy, Xia is recognised for being humble, shy and keeping a low profile.

Xia is sanguine about all the attention she and Wu are getting.

“Our country has relatively few talented hurdlers, and many provinces do not have coaches. As long as these discussions promote the development of track and field, make more people like hurdling, and encourage more people to exercise and become healthier, it’s a good thing,” she said.

Fans are excitedly anticipating their performances in Paris.

“Xia Sining and Wu Yanni, the twin stars of the track. We look forward to you achieving more success at the Paris Olympics and bringing glory to the country,” one fan said.